Sports Fan App needs Icon Set!
Gewinnerdesign von 2percent

Sports Fan App needs Icon Set!

Liquiditeam GmbH suchte ein neues Design in der Kategorie Icons und hat ein Projekt auf gestartet.

Für ein Preisgeld von 999€ wurden 25 Designvorschläge von 6 Designern eingereicht, Designer 2percent wurde zum Gewinner gekürt.

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Das sagt der Auftraggeber

2percent was super responsive whenever I had any ideas, suggestions or requests. The icon set we ended up receiving is awesome! I liked the collaborative approach I had with the designer. He came up with an initial design, I sketched out how I would tweak it to make it look even better and we polished the design again. I would definitely work with 2percent again and hope to do other projects with him soon:) Liquiditeam GmbH

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Dieses kurze Briefing wurde vom Auftraggeber verfasst:

About Liquiditeam

Liquiditeam provides technology and services at the forefront of tokenization in the sports industry. Our solution combines fan engagement and financing, cutting-edge technology, industry experience, and a great passion for sports.

Our Tokenized Fan-Ecosystem

Our current focus at Liquiditeam is building our tokenized fan-ecosystem for professional sports teams and athletes. While this might sound like a lot it is actually quite simple - we are building a small-scale social network that is tailor-made for the fans of a sports entity.
The Fan-Ecosystem is a way for sports teams or athletes to move the interaction with their supporter community to a platform that is built with exactly this purpose in mind - connecting clubs and fans.

To that end, we are building features that allow fans to interact more closely with their favorite club or athlete than they could on the platforms currently used for fan interaction - the Facebooks, Instagrams, and Twitters of this world. Our fan ecosystem is a white-label product that will exist in various color schemes for different sports organizations. The icons you build need to be monochrome and look great in different colors on different backgrounds.

Our Target Group

We expect our users to be, at least initially, mostly young, international and digital-native sports fans who are open to new platforms for interaction online. In the long-run, our target audience includes all sports fans.
We aim for a clean look throughout our application and this translates to the icons we want you to design. The icons should

- be monochrome
- rather simple and minimalistic, without too many details. Keep in mind: sometimes an icon might be displayed in small sizes and the user should always be able to recognize it.
- Nonetheless, the icons can be a bit playful and feel internet-ty and innovative.
- We tend to prefer icons that are outline-based over area-based icons
- Have a few clever visual connections with sports where it makes sense and where it doesn’t make things unnecessarily complex

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