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Process of a design contest

Limited participation in projects

Only designers who have been registered before the project start are able to participate in projects with guaranteed price money.  This is to avoid the possibility, that clients choose their own designs as winner in their projects.

Why are designs in some competitions hidden?

Basically all designs are hidden and each designer can only see his or her own proposals. Whether the designs are revealed after the competition has been completed depends on the respective project setting. For Pro-projects and elite pro..

How do I report a project or misconduct?

Send us a message to support@designonclick.com including what you find not okay in the project and we will handle the matter from there. 

Why was my design eliminated?

If your design has been removed from a design competition it doesn’t necessarily mean it was bad, just probably not what the customer had in mind. Some customers chose to eliminate designs from the competition in order to make it more clear, ..

Why did the client exclude me from the project?

If a collaboration with a designer is not working well, it’s necessary to end it. In this case a client can exclude a designer from a current project.  Possible reasons for this can be: There are difficulties with the communicat..

The data handover isn’t available yet. Why?

If a contest holder chooses your design as winning design, but has not yet paid the prize money, the project is on hold until the money has been paid. The data handover will be available as soon as the money is deposited.

Why are my comments not showing up, or why do they only show up later in the contest?

All comments must be approved by our support team before being posted on our website. We allow more experienced users comments to be posted without our approval first.

In which format should I upload my design?

There are some guidelines you should consider when uploading your design in a contest. Make sure that your design has the size of minimum 250 x 250 and maximum 2500 x 5000 pixels. Besides your file must not be larger than 20 MB, otherwise it can..

Which fonts am I allowed to use in my design?

If using an unmodified commercial font, you should convert the font for the logo into curves. This way the customer does not need to additionally purchase the font. If the client wants to purchase the font, you should let them know, which font you ..

How do I report copyright violations?

To report another designer’s draft, there is a “Report Violation” button underneath every design preview. You can also add the number of the copied design and any other information (links, stock-images, etc.)

Why is designonclick.com eliminating designs?

Reasons for deleting a design can be very different.  What is considered a copyright infringement? Of course the use of stock material is strictly forbidden in logo contests. If stock material is used in a logo design, we will eliminat..

The design contest has already ended but a winner still hasn’t been chosen.

There is no deadline for the contest holder to choose a winner, as he or she usually has to consult with others before the final decision is made. Normally the contest holder will inform you about this in the contest’s communication section. ..

Do I lose my usage rights when I upload my design to designonclick.com?

No! Designers reserve their usage rights during the project period. You only lose the usage rights, if you have been chosen as the winner. With confirming our general business terms, you accept, that you lose all rights by winning a conte..

How do I remove my design from a competition?

You can remove your design at any time, because you have all usage rights. You'll only lose the usage rights of your design, if you are selected as the winner of the project.  You can remove your design with the “withdraw” b..

Why can I not see the other designers’ submissions?

You can only see your design submission to avoid copyright infringements. With this setting participating designers can only see their design submissions. The only person who is able to see all design submissions is the contest holder. It makes it ..

How do I add projects to my watch list?

Click on the grey “+ add to watchlist” button above the “Participate” button on the project’s page. It then will be added to your watch list and can be found under “My Projects” in “My Account.”..

How to create a project-related to-do list

In order to keep an overview of a project and not forget any tasks that still need to be completed, you have the option of creating a to-do list. At the top right of the project you will find the icon "new task":   When ..

How do I participate in a design competition?

Choose a project that you would like to participate in and click on “Participate in Project.” You are then able to upload your design JPG, GIF (animated GIFs are also possible) or PNG format.

I won a project but the contest holder has not paid yet. What should I do?

If the client has not paid the prize money in advance using our pre-paid contest option then you should not send the client your files until payment has been received. If a customer does not respond to your messages or invoices requesting payment p..

Combination naming and logo design

For clients who need both name and logo design, we offer a combination of both projects. You can recognise such a package by a note in the briefing under the scope of services of the project. As usual, the first step is to find a name. Once the ..

Changes to the design upload

In order to optimize the quality of the design proposals for the individual client, you as a designer can now submit 5 proposals or drafts per project . Our goal is to improve the quality of the proposals and thus optimize the experience at designo..

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