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Finalisation and design handover

How does it work when choosing a winner for a pre-paid project?

According to the terms of use, you choose the winning design and the designer will then upload the high resolution files of your design. You will then be asked to confirm that you have received the customer data. Then the prize money will be redist..

When should I pick a winner?

You can choose a winner at any time,even before the project officially ends. It is recommended to pick the winner within two weeks after the design competition ends. Designers have the right to retract their design until you choose a winner. If ..

I’ve chosen a winning designer but I would like to make a few changes to my design. How do I go about doing this?

Contact the design via private message, and let him or her know that you would like to make some modifications. Please keep in mind that the contract entitled you to the logo as is, and the designer has the right to charge you for additional change..

Which files do I get from the winning designer?

It depends on the intended use, but it is best to get as many data files from the designer as possible for the design project. This means that in order for a design to be suitable for printing you should get the grapich in CBYK color space as oppos..

Fonts and when they need to be purchased

logo designs Fonts used in logo designs do not have to be purchased, as the designers are obliged to convert the fonts into paths. This eliminates the need to purchase the licence. The logo design can thus also be registered as a trademark wi..

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