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Starting a project

How high should I set my prize money?

Good question! The amount of prize money offered is the key to a successful project. The higher the amount, the more interested designers will be. Since the work and effort needed for different design projects varies greatly, we have created a pric..

How many design submissions can I expect?

The amount of designs received varies based on the amount of prize money, the complexity of the design (a web design is more difficult to create than a logo design for example) and the amount of feedback you provide. On average logo design conte..

What is a Pro-project?

If you don’t want your projects to be included in search engines like Google, Bing, etc. then you should use the private project option. Only registered users of can see your project and designers can only particip..

What is a standard project?

A standard project can be found with search engines and is visible to all designers.

How long should a project last?

You can determine how long you would like your project to be. Your options are: 3 days, 1 week, 10 days, 2 weeks or 3 weeks. The duration should be based on your needs, and how complex your design briefing is. You also have the opportunity to exten..

How do I start a project?

Please register first via our registration page. Then simply make your design briefing and decide how much prize money you want to offer - that’s it!

What makes a good briefing?

A good briefing should be clear, and easy to understand. It is impossible to forget anything essential if you use our site to create your briefing. Describe your ideal design and target group as precisely as possible. Provide clear examples, such a..

Can I decide later that I want my standard project to be a Pro-project?

This can be done at by going to "My Account" - Your Project - Private Project. Please note that you must pay € 49 to do so, as Pro-Projects are more expensive than standard projects.

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*Der Gutschein ist einmalig gültig und wird auf die Einstellgebühr angerechnet. Keine Barauszahlung möglich. Der Gutschein kann nicht mit weiteren Gutscheinen kombiniert werden. Fenster schließen