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Can I use stock material in my design?

Stock material

No stock elements may be used in logo designs, as otherwise it is not possible to transfer the rights of use. These guidelines for data transfer guarantee the quality standard for the logo design area.

If stock graphics, fonts, clipart or vectors licensed free of charge or for a fee are used for all other design categories, the client must be informed when uploading the design draft. Important: The client must acquire the license in his name or request it free of charge. A transfer as a designer is not possible.


Use of AI-generated content

The use of AI-generated content of any kind is excluded in all categories, as no rights can be transferred to it and the legal situation regarding content generated by AI has not yet been fully clarified in many countries. If the content generated by artificial intelligence is too similar to an existing work, the author of this work can demand compensation at any time, which can lead to considerable damage for the customer and therefore ultimately for you as the designer. A 100 percent check is not possible here. This means that you as the designer cannot transfer any rights to us and, as a result, we cannot pass these rights on to the client.


For web designs or print designs (flyer, label, cover designs, etc.), the use of stock images is generally permitted. However, you must inform the client that images are used in your design for which paid licenses must be purchased. 

Send the client the link to the stock image used in the communication, so that he knows where to purchase it and what additional costs he has to calculate for it. 

Typically, the client will purchase the high-resolution image and provide it to you after the winner is selected in the data transfer so that you can include it in the final design.

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