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Checklist print files

These are our specifications for print files:


print file templates


business/ company card 85 x 55 mm landscape format


business/ company card 55 x 85 mm portrait format


stationery/ letterhead


Images and graphic resolutions

  • Pictures, images and graphics: 250 dpi 
  • Greyscales and colour images: 250 dpi
  • Line artwork (e.g. texts in a small font size and drawings): 1.200 dpi


document colours

  • Prepare your files using CMYK as the colour mode, not RGB.
  • Avoid using 4c for black text; instead, set the font colour to 100% K.
  • When using special colours (Pantone or HKS), enter the desired values in the colour channel.


File size and trim

  • Create your files in their final trim size.
  • To allow leeway for cutting differences in production, always add trim allowance to the size ordered.
  • Standard trim allowance: 3 mm

safety margin

  • Keep all contents at least 3 mm away from the edge of the finished size.
  • Make sure colours, background pictures and layouts extend into the bleed area so as to avoid leaving white lines as a result of cutting tolerances.


  • Convert fonts to paths or embed them in the document to avoid tracking and printing problems.
  • Make sure there is sufficient contrast between background and font colours.


Line weights

  • Lines should be at least 0.22 pt.
  • Lines that are too thin are automatically increased to a printable weight. (Exception: lines set to precisely 0 pt. We cannot guarantee that the weight of these lines will be automatically inreased.)
  • Do not use borders to frame the whole page. They can be partialy cut, due to the mechanical cutting tolerance and can effect the appearance of the final product.

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*Der Gutschein ist einmalig gültig und wird auf die Einstellgebühr angerechnet. Keine Barauszahlung möglich. Der Gutschein kann nicht mit weiteren Gutscheinen kombiniert werden. Fenster schließen