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Specification / Guidelines for correct data delivery (Logodesign)

This overview specifies the formats in which data is to be supplied to the customer. Designers should take the following points into accountbefore taking part in a competition so that these rules can actually be adhered to in the event of a competition win. These are the minimum requirements for correct data delivery!

Stock Material

The use of stock material is generally FORBIDDEN in logo design. This also applies to free vectors and graphics that are labeled “free for commercial use” (from stock platforms such as Freepik, etc.). All logos must be created individually for the client by you, otherwise it is not possible to transfer the rights of use to the client.

Use of AI-generated content

The use of AI-generated content of any kind is excluded in all categories, as no rights can be transferred to it and the legal situation regarding content generated by AI has not yet been fully clarified in many countries. If the content generated by artificial intelligence is too similar to an existing work, the author of this work can demand compensation at any time, which can lead to considerable damage for the customer and therefore ultimately for you as the designer. A 100 percent check is not possible here. This means that you as the designer cannot transfer any rights to us and, as a result, we cannot pass these rights on to the client.

Data format

Data formatEPS + PDF, JPG, PNG

Logos must ALWAYS be supplied in vector format, preferably EPS.

In addition to the vector format, files are also to be delivered in formats PDF (PDF X/3), JPG and PNG (with transparent background). 
Only in exceptional cases, where the customer has special requests, can the vector format requirement be waived.

As an example, a pixel image is to be used in an exceptional case involving mix pixel/vector format. This is then to be loaded into a vectorprogramin the highest possible resolution for further editing so that it will remain scalable all the same up to a certain format (at least A4 / 300dpi) without any loss in quality.

If a designer is incapable of creating a logo in vector format (e.g. due to a lack of suitable programs or expertise), that does not constitute an exception.

You will also deliver a design overview. Here you will again show a summary of which fonts and colours were used for your logo.



FontsPieces of text must be converted into paths as a rule.

It is advisable to let the customer know which font was used as a basis. Depending on the order specification, there might be occasions whencustomers wish to replace the claim of the logo themselves. In such cases, either a free font should be chosen or the customer should be made aware of possible licensing fees.



ColorsCMYK + RGB

The use of special colours should be avoided.

The finalised logo is supplied in CMYK mode (print-based version), plus in RGB mode (web-based version).

Special colours, such as Pantone or HKS, should only be used by prior agreement or at the customer’s explicit request. Special colours might have certain advantages, but should not be regarded as standard options in this context.

If special colours are used, an alternative CMYK version must be supplied as well.



- For use on a white background
- Pure black/white version
- Optional inverse variant for useon coloured or black background
     on white background  black variant  optionally inverse




These data delivery guidelines guarantee the quality standard for the area of logo design.

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