Montag - Donnerstag: 09:00-17:00 Uhr
Freitag: 09:00-15:30 Uhr
Wir beraten Dich gerne telefonisch
+49 (0)911-13136893
1. Getting drafts
Your project is already open and now you have to wait for the first drafts. If you didn`t get any designs after a while you have to rethink your prize money or rework your briefing. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the team of
2. Giving Feedback
After you have received the first drafts, you have to give feedback. Say what you like and what you don`t like.
a) stars method: Click on the stars below the drafts so you show the designers in which direction they should move on.
b) comments: With specific statements on individual designs, the designers can improve their drafts step by step until you have your favorite.
3. End of the duration and design handover
After the end of the duration you declare the winner by clicking on the button under the design. After you have chosen the winner, the designer will receive an email with the message. After that, the designer will upload the drafts in the correct shape. No you have to check whether the files are complete and then you have to confirm that you have received the data. Then, will check it, too. Only then the money will credited to the designers account and you got all rights on the design. That`s it! Good luck with you project!
5€ Gutschein für Newsletter-Abonnenten *
Daten werden von uns nie an Dritte weitergegeben. Die Abmeldung ist jederzeit möglich.
*Der Gutschein ist einmalig gültig und wird auf die Einstellgebühr angerechnet. Keine Barauszahlung möglich. Der Gutschein kann nicht mit weiteren Gutscheinen kombiniert werden. Fenster schließen
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