Kamal Mangache

Kamal Mangache



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Über mich

I present to you my professional career as Kamal Mangache, graduated in 2011 from LaSalle Canada in Computer Graphics Webdesign and Marketing. I would like to explain to you how I acquired various skills during my career, particularly in the areas of print and digital communication, web design and software and mobile interfaces.

Since graduating, I have had the chance to work in different companies where I have been able to put my skills in webdesign and marketing infographics into practice. My experience in the field of print communication has allowed me to develop solid skills in graphic design and the creation of visual supports such as brochures, posters, flyers and business cards. I acquired a good knowledge of visual design principles, typography and image editing techniques.

At the same time, I also developed my skills in the field of digital communication. I worked on creating and managing websites, using programming languages such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I gained hands-on experience in designing attractive and user-friendly user interfaces with a focus on user experience. I also acquired a good understanding of natural referencing (SEO) and online marketing strategies.

Another facet of my professional career concerns software and mobile interface design. I had the opportunity to work on the design of intuitive and ergonomic interfaces for web and mobile applications. I developed skills in wireframing, prototyping and user experience (UX) design. I also have hands-on experience using design tools such as Adobe XD and Sketch.

Throughout my professional career, I have been confronted with varied and stimulating projects which have allowed me to develop my creativity, my ability to solve problems and my time management. I am a person passionate about my job and constantly on the lookout for new trends and developments in the field of design and marketing.

I am convinced that my skills in print and digital communication, web design and software and mobile interfaces, as well as my passion for my profession, could be a valuable asset for your company. I look forward to contributing to exciting new projects and putting my skills to work for your team.
winner in more than 120 designs contests on desigsn crowd websites


Anzeigenwerbung, Außenwerbung, Bannerwerbung, Broschüren, Buchgestaltung, Corporate Design, Flash Animation, Illustrationen, Motiondesign, Verpackungsdesign, Plakatwerbung, Printwerbung, Screendesign, Flyerdesign, Webdesign, Namensfindung


Joomla, Drupal, WordPress, Magento, VirtueMart, OXID, osCommerce


HTML/xHTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, Flash

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