Illustrationen für Urlaubsresort

in Kategorie
  1. Grafik & Printdesign
  2. Illustrationen
von olafsc2
Ende des Projekts:
14.10.2024 09:17:47

Projekt Nr.:

Gewinner wurde gekürt

Leistungsumfang dieses Projekts





Was macht Deine Firma/Organisation? Wer ist Deine Zielgruppe?
Sehr exclusives Urlaubsresort für Naturliebhaber
Zielgruppe: Design- und naturverliebte High-Class-People

I would like to have a website programmed and need illustrations for it. It's about marketing a high-priced nature resort. The website should contain video sequences and images, and (lead) pen drawings should be inserted into these video sequences and images. The viewer should be able to follow the creation of the line drawing so that a lively process is created. The skin application consists of 3 video sequences of 30 seconds each and 8 photos. A total of 11 line drawings should be created.
I would like:
1) Open this competition for an exemplary line drawing.
2) An offer from you for 11 to 15 line drawings in the style of 1)

More about 1)
You see the photo “Terra Divina small”. Here a couple should emerge in the foreground (classy but natural, he 50 with a shirt, she 30 with a long dress) who then look into the distance together and the lady then puts her arm around the gentleman (there should be a movement).

Please refer to the claim “no more questions” and the example drawing for the approximate style of your drawings. But this is just a suggestion for you.

Please create this “living line drawing” for me in the competition.

Best regards
Olaf Schmid
Lieferst Du eigene Bilder oder sollen die Designer Bildmaterial aus kommerziellen Bilddatenbanken (Stockmaterial) verwenden?
Ich bin noch unentschlossen.
Illustrationen für Urlaubsresort


270,00 €

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