Looking for Creative Visionaries for Bold Visual Brand Redesign for NaaS company

in Kategorie
  1. Sonstiges
  2. Sonstiges
von jennifer2
2 Tage 1 Std.

Projekt Nr.:

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Letzte Aktivität: 16.01.2025 13:30:21

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Was macht Deine Firma/Organisation? Wer ist Deine Zielgruppe?
We are a sustainable Network as a Service (NaaS) company. Our target group is companies looking for certified carbon neutral IP Transit, IP Access, and Ethernet connectivity, on-demand in minutes. Our target audience also includes tech-savvy business leaders, IT professionals, and decision-makers in global enterprises, data centers, and internet service providers who value cutting-edge technology, sustainability, and a modern, approachable partner in networking.

If you’re passionate about creating brands that challenge the status quo, showcase boldness, and inspire action, we’d love to hear from you!
Our mission is to disrupt the conservative telecom and network services industry with a playful, youthful, and engaging design that reflects our carbon-neutral sustainability and accessible, authentic approach.

The design should reflect our bold, playful, youthful, and engaging ethos while maintaining professionalism.
It must visually disrupt the conservative design norms in the telecom and network services industry.
Incorporate a friendly and approachable tone. We aim to be relatable, not aloof.
Highlight our leadership in sustainability (certified carbon-neutral, committed to net-zero).
While challenging the status quo, the design must still resonate with our identity as an internet and technology company.
Include a new logo, brand design language (colors, typography, iconography, illustrations), responsive website design, UX guidance for the portal, pitch and collateral templates, LinkedIn banners, and a style guide.
Support a mix of authentic, earnest communication with a whimsical and edgy visual touch.
Lieferst Du eigene Bilder oder sollen die Designer Bildmaterial aus kommerziellen Bilddatenbanken (Stockmaterial) verwenden?
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Looking for Creative Visionaries for Bold Visual Brand Redesign for NaaS company
Gibt es bereits eine bestehende Webseite oder aktive Social Media Accounts?





180,00 €

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