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Design handover and payments

What happens after being chosen as a winner?

After the client chooses a winner, the designer will get a message.  Pre-paid projects: The prize money has already been received by designonclick.com. So, the next step is to upload the high-resolution data using our upload form and the..

Specification / Guidelines for correct data delivery (Logodesign)

This overview specifies the formats in which data is to be supplied to the customer. Designers should take the following points into accountbefore taking part in a competition so that these rules can actually be adhered to in the event of a competi..

How do I request a payout?

Your balance can be found under “My Account” - “Transactions.” You will then see a button with the option “Request Withdrawal.” You will always be paid the full balance of your account, but a withdrawal requ..

Why do you deduct taxes according to 50a ESTG?

Some designers who do not have a residence or domicile in Germany are subject to limited tax liability in Germany if they earn income through royalty income. The tax authorities define your work as that of a creative artist who receives 40%..

Guidelines for social media designs

Below you can find a helpful summary of the required social media formats. In general you should upload a png or jpg file. Summary of all sizes:   Facebook profile image: at least 180 x 180 px cover image: 820 x 310 px  ..

What are the advantages of paying with Skrill?

For the designer: Assurance of payment receipt Receive payments in more than 200 countries Fast proceedings due to electronic remittance For the customer: Secure proceedings, protection against fraud Depositing of prize mon..

Checklist print files

These are our specifications for print files:   print file templates   business/ company card 85 x 55 mm landscape format Id Download Ai Download PDF Download   business/ company card 55 x 85 mm por..

File upload after a data handover has been finished

After a data handover is finished, you have now the possibility to upload more files. Our support-team just has to reactivate the file upload for you for a limited time. This feature helps you when the client needs more files further cha..

Which files to deliver to the client

In each of our design categories, there are different file formats that must be submitted by the designer to the client so that they can continue working with them flexibly and easily. Please check whether your designs meet these requirements befor..

Can I rate the contest holder based on my experience with them as a client?

At the end of the project, you'll have the opportunity to rate the contest holder based on how they handled payments and the transfer of the data. By providing your feedback, you'll help other designers decide whether they want to work with..

Note on tax deduction according to §50a EStG

Designers who are neither resident nor ordinarily resident in Germany are subject to limited tax liability in Germany if they earn income from the transfer of rights. In these cases, the German tax due on this income must be withheld by us and paid..

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*Der Gutschein ist einmalig gültig und wird auf die Einstellgebühr angerechnet. Keine Barauszahlung möglich. Der Gutschein kann nicht mit weiteren Gutscheinen kombiniert werden. Fenster schließen